jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

Learning Styles and Teaching ( Cheron Vester, South Africa)

What is a learning style?

Ellis (1985) described a learning style as the more or less consistent way in which a person perceives, conceptualizes, organizes and recalls information.

She also mentions the four modalities (originates from the work of Dr's Bandler, R. and Grinder, J. in the Field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in which the learning styles are divided:

  • Visual (seeing)

  • Auditory (hearing)

  • Kinesthetic (moving)

  • Tactile (touching)

Those who prefer a visual learning style...

...look at the teacher's face intently
...like looking at wall displays, books etc.
...often recognize words by sight
...use lists to organize their thoughts
...recall information by remembering how it was set out on a page

Those who prefer an auditory learning style...

...like the teacher to provide verbal instructions
...like dialogues, discussions and plays
...solve problems by talking about them
...use rhythm and sound as memory aids

Those who prefer a kinesthetic learning syle...

...learn best when they are involved or active
...find it difficult to sit still for long periods
...use movement as a memory aid
Those who prefer a tactile way of learning...
...use writing and drawing as memory aids
...learn well in hands-on activities like projects and demonstrations

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