martes, 15 de julio de 2008

Learner Strategies

What are learning strategies?

Learning strategies are councsious behaviors that students use to acquire, storage, recall, and use information. It is said that good students use a variety of these strategies when they are learning something.

Language learning strategies are refered to the counscious and semicounsciousthoughts that learners use in order to improve their knowledge of a target language.

Language use Strategies are the ones students apply when using the language that has been learned, here we find:

  • Retrieval Strategies: which are used in order to call up language material from storage, for example calling up the correct verb in its appropriate tense.
  • Rehearsal Strategies: for practising target language structures, for instance rehearsing verb tenses that will be used on a test later.
  • Communication Strategies: used to convey a message that is meaningful and informative, for example: when we want to explain technixcal information for which we don't have the specialized vocabulary.
  • Cover Strategies: used when we want to create a language ability to show the other people that we know things, in order to not to look foolish, for example laughing at a joke that we didn't understand ( we all have donde that some time)
Self-motivating strategies which are used by learners to protect or increase their motivation. for example avoiding distractions such as music, television, etc.

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